Post-Nuclear War Survival

To introduce ethos, pathos, and logos in rhetoric, I split my class into three groups and assign the following thought experiment. I ask them first to choose survivors individually, then to choose survivors as a group, and finally I’ll put each group’s survivors on the board and we’ll argue as a class. I’ll then classify their different justifications as pathos driven, logos driven, or ethos driven. 


This unit sets up a hypothetical dilemma and asks students to offer solutions based on their own reasoning and problem-solving skills. The unit begins with a scenario of nuclear war and requires students to make decisions that may affect the survival of humans on Earth.


The purpose of this unit is to have students work together to reach consensus on a controversial issue. It helps them realize that sometimes there are no right and wrong answers.


Students will be able to: 1) Evaluate various types of information and decide what traits and other factors are of most importance for long-term survival in an emergency or crisis situation; and 2) Effectively present their opinions and arguments either orally or in writing.

The Task

Three days ago, nuclear war broke out around the world with massive attacks in all heavily populated areas. For the first 24 hours, radio broadcasts reported tremendous damage and loss of life in all areas, including the total annihilation of most of Earth’s population. For the past 48 hours, there have been no broadcasts. Fortunately, the people listed below were able to reach a fallout shelter in time to take cover and survive the initial devastation. You must assume that those in the shelter are the only survivors of the war.

Here is the dilemma: There are twelve people in the fallout shelter, but there are limited supplies to keep them all alive until the atmosphere is safe. To survive, the people must stay inside the fallout shelter for at least three months. The problem is that if all of them stay in the shelter, all of them will starve to death or dehydrate. There are supplies enough to allow seven of the twelve people to survive.

Your task is to decide, based on the information given, which people will be allowed to remain in the shelter and live, and which people will be required to leave the shelter, and most likely die. We will assume that those who are selected to leave will do so peacefully. At issue is the survival of humans on Earth. The bottom line is that if human beings are to repopulate the Earth, such repopulation will begin with those survivors chosen by you.

Carefully evaluate all information about each of the twelve persons. Consider their health, experiences, age, sex, and intelligence. Then decide which seven will be allowed to stay in the shelter and which five must leave. On a separate sheet of paper, list the seven people you would have survive and repopulate the Earth, stating your reasons for keeping them. Then list the five you would have leave the shelter and state the reasons for not keeping them.

After you have made your decisions and formulated your reasons, you will be placed with a group of other students (four to five per group). Each person in the group should present his or her decisions to the rest of the group. The task is to reach a consensus among the group as to who should stay and who should go.

Character Profiles

James Stanley
age: 43
IQ: 112
health: good
education/training: 2 yrs college, 2 yrs military
work experience: 15 years farming successfully

Gerald White
age: 35
IQ: 98
health: fair
education/training: high school diploma
work experience: 4 years Army (infantry), 10 years general construction laborer

Janie Stanley
age: 13
IQ: 120
health: excellent
education/training: middle school student
work experience: none

Martha Gray
age: 25
IQ: 142
health: good
education/training: PhD in music theory
work experience: 2 years teaching on college level

Wanda Brice
age: 50
IQ: 140
health: fair
education/training: Master’s degree in psychology
work experience: 15 years as mental health case-worker; 10 years as director of local mental health counseling service

William Gray
age: 8
IQ: 150
health: good
education/training: elementary school student
work experience: none

Bill Waters
age: 27
IQ: 104
health: excellent
education/training: tech school graduate
work experience: 10 years heavy construction and welding.

John Davis
age: 33
IQ: 125
health: fair
education/training: college degree in chemistry
work experience: 12 years high school chem teacher

Michelle Patterson
age: 19
IQ: 105
health: fair
education/training: high school graduate
work experience: 3 years in retail sales

Marjorie Blaylock
age: 39
IQ: 133
health: poor
education/training: medical school graduate
work experience: 10 years general family medical practice

Ray Wilson
age: 60
IQ: 127
health: good
education/training: 4 years college, majored in business
work experience: 10 years as bank teller, 20 years as financial advisor and bank president

Fred Fredrick
age: 54
IQ: 132
health: excellent
education/training: highly trained in electronics
work experience: 25 years as US Navy. electronics technician; 10 years private electronics repair

*Thanks to Robyn Harless who assigned this same thought experiment to my IB History class.

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